Come & Receive


Connecting People to God’s Love Through Jesus Christ

You are welcome in our church and school!


God has provided tangible ways through which He delivers His grace to those who believe, assuring us that our sins are forgiven for Jesus' sake. These are called the "means of grace,“ or sacraments, and are God's Word, Holy Baptism, and the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion). Through these means, God makes Himself known to us in a very personal way: God's Word reveals His faithfulness and love; Baptism is our rebirth and renewal in Jesus; the Lord's Supper is our closest communion with Christ as we receive His body and blood.

Brothers and sisters in Christ who are not members of a parish of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, please ask an usher to help you locate the pastor to speak with him before the service begins. In accordance with apostolic practice, we observe closed communion, believing that the Sacrament not only gives us Jesus’ real Body and Blood for our life and forgiveness, but it is a public witness to our unity of confession of Christian teaching.


If you would like help or support with any of the following, please contact our church office (812-952-3711). Thank you.

  • Baptism

  • Confirmation

  • Funeral

  • Prayer

  • Wedding


If you have an interest in joining St. John’s Lutheran Church, please send an email to Pastor Mark Carnahan and he will contact you with more information: